Backdated post : 2 April 2009
Ryan likes to eat corn,it comes to my mind using corn soup cooked with beehoon for his lunch 3 days ago.Since Ryan has been eating meesuah most the time,so I let him eat beehoon(not first time eat beehoon).
I use chicken stock for the soup base,added some corns(canned corn) + fishball + Beehoon.Yummy~~~~ the soup has a great sweet taste and Ryan like to eat the corn..he will kept say :corn corn corn, but I noticed Ryan don't really like to eat beehoon. He still prefer mee than beehoon.
i dunno bout kids but if i eat corn, i sometimes get that undigestible feeling. n becoz of that, i dun serve corn to ethan! hahahha.. i m da only weird one here? :P
First I also bit worry to serve corn to Ryan coz worry he won't chew it properly n will feel uneasy.I noticed all his teeth are up, no harm to giv a try and he really fall in love with corn.Maybe u can consider giv a try for Ethan???No harm to try...
yes, corn definitely can make the soup taste sweeter and nicer. Good job Mery.
I think Ryan has used to eating the texture of mee, so he dislike meehoon. But good try to him too.
Joanne - Actually I introduced beehoon 1st, then followed by mee. But all the while Ryan is more keen on eating mee than beehoon. It takes longer time for him to finish up the beehoon.Corn is definitely will make the soup taste sweeter. I myself like to eat canned corn by itself,esp afte fridged and crunchy.
Joanne - Actually I introduced beehoon 1st, then followed by mee. But all the while Ryan is more keen on eating mee than beehoon. It takes longer time for him to finish up the beehoon.Corn is definitely will make the soup taste sweeter. I myself like to eat canned corn by itself,esp afte fridged and crunchy.
I think each kid has their own preference in eating certain food. For Sarah, her most fav type of noodle is "yi mien".
Canned corn? Not those sweetened type ya? really enjoy the food, cold and crunchy corn, Yum!
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