I believe everybody try this Kue Lapis Beras before and that's one of my favo kueh.In Hokkien, it is also called Kow Teng Kueh.Ryan also love to eat this cake...so far, I can't find the best Kow Teng Kueh at Sibu yet...all are lack of coconut milk taste. So after googled for several recipes and make a comparison, I decided to follow this recipe.
It is my first time making Kue Lapis Beras, I reduced to half all the ingredient from this recipe. How about the outcome?? It taste not bad (according to hubby) and Ryan also love eating it too.
Probably will make this kueh again tomorrow if I am not lazy since we all love eating this kueh.
Last Sunday is a good weekend for me to try new recipe. I was craving for Chicken Rice (using rice cooker). I have tried cooking this chicken rice a few months back...and this is my 2nd attempt. Hope can get it taste better compared to my first attempt.
So Sunday morning, I went to nearby supermarket to get ready all the ingredients needed,I omitted the lap cheong and cut the chicken breast meat + mushroom into small pieces,so that easier for Ryan to eat.
Taste is yummy...and 3 of us finished up whole big bowl of chicken rice that Sunday night.
It is always a big headache for me while thinking of what to cook for Ryan today...,need to open up my fridge and checked out what ingredient available there before start cooking.I want to let Ryan try different type of food,prefer home-cooked food for him rather than tapao outside.Since there is some leftover rice in the fridge...let's try cook Fried Rice with tomatoes,sausages & leek for his lunch. I also added bit of tomatoes sauce into the fried rice...taste great and Ryan can't wait to try it out too..he kept walk to the kitchen while I was cooking the fried rice for him.