After finish tidy up the bed, I went out to sweep the floor while Ryan was busy playing on my bed and he found my hp there. He likes to play with my hp (like to ON the song that I download @ my hp - he loves to listen to linkinpark's song). When I was about to carry him go downstair, Oh.....i realised I can't find my hp @ my pillow there. Then I asked Ryan where is my hp,he also looked around & tried to recall back where he put my HP. Then he climbed up to my bed and pointed my bed. "OMG".....don't tell me he dropped my hp at the back of my bed frame??? I used my house phn to call to my own hp & it is confirm that my hp was at the back of my bed frame. I have to carry the mattress down & push my bed frame out in order to pick up my hp. There is scratches here and there( heart is pain).I told myself not to put my hp at the lower place as Ryan has been able to grab things around him.
*** A new lesson for me again.....***