I was doing my groceries the other day and when I was passing thru racks put any kind of noodles,my eyes catched up this Air-Dried Noodle. Never eat before..let's get a pack & try it out. I ever cooked it with a soup,taste not bad. I decided to fry this air-dried noodle for Ryan as his lunch yesterday.
Added some sayur sawi + sliced carrots + egg fried together with the noodles.Ryan could not wait while he saw me fried noodle in the kitchen. He kept say : mee mee mee.I told him.....'Wait ,Ryan. Mommy is cooking halfway,very fast can eat the mee'.
What I guess is true,Ryan is a Mee-lover. He can finish up the noodle easily,no soup for his lunch yesterday.Of course, I also eat together with him...so both Mummy & Ryan was eating fried Air-Dried Noodle yesterday.