I noticed Ryan know how to climb up to the chair by himself lately and sit in front of the laptop playing with the keyboard,normally he always sit at our lap while we are surfing nets.......Lastnight while his daddy was surfing nets, he said 'Ryan Ryan' insisted that he wanted to surf nets too. Okie~~...let him be the little blogger for awhile before asking him to sleep. He pretended to be a typist....kept pressing the keyboard and accidentally the screen appeared a DOG,
Ryan said : " ooh ooh-ooh ooh " (he means a dog is barking).I quickly walked to the laptop to take a look on what is on the screen. That is really a dog on the laptop screen making some cute expression.
I better pay xtra attention to Ryan in case he climb up the chair when I am not at his side next time.(scared he will fall down and knock on the table).