Ryan has been fancied about guitar lately ... he watched BJ playing a guitar at one of BJ's song (from Barney VCD-Rock N Roll Star). When he heard that song, he will put his hand at his tummy and pretend playing a guitar,shaking his head left and right.
A few days ago, MIL bought him a guitar. He was so happy, playing around with his new guitar. He tried to hang the guitar at his neck...then walk around and around happily in the living room pretending that he is BJ too.
You see ... a little BJ sit happily in the sofa with his new guitar. Just hope Ryan will takecare this guitar properly(sometimes he likes to bang and anyhow throw his toy).
Ryan is so tall in the pic.
Maybe Ryan will like to play guitar as his hobby when he grows up.
Joanne - Ryan is about 90cm now....He looks tall like his daddy,better like his daddy la coz his mommy is short (onli 158cm).
I also have the same height as you.
Joanne - Then I guess our body size is almost the same lol..Since last dec, I put on weight alot coz keep eat n eat while I was back to Medan. Now start to diet...hopefully by yr end, I wil slim down alot before my Dec trip back to Medan n KL.
Hello BJ! How ya doing? Are you gonna do your DINO DANCE? Hehe... High 5! Another Barney fans!
Esmeralda - Ashton also a big fan of Barney...I have several vcd of Barney's show. Plan to get some more Vcd...I m yet to buy Barney Beach. U hav it at home? Is it nice?
Yes Mery... Ashton is really a big fan of Barney. Barney Beach is quite nice too... You can get it for Ryan... basically most of Barney's VCDs are quite interesting.
Esmeralda - This wikend I m goin to get Barney Beach 4 Ryan.Agreed with u, most of Barney vcd are nice n interesting.
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