When cough bug strike one of us at home....I just hate it and wanna get rid of it.
Then here comes the MEDICINE to cure the cough and this time , Ryan is getting
cough bug again. These was his 3rd time getting cough bug for this year.
OMG....what happen to Ryan? He seem easily fall sick after attending nursery.
Should I consider to change him to another school?...Maybe...???
I guess Ryan has a poor immune system,that is why he is easily kena cough or flu bug.
Yesterday night, I noticed Ryan's voice started to change a little bit...not as usual and I
let him drink plenty of water to clear his throat.
I kept asking him whether he has a sore throat and he told me "NO NO",ok...at least, he still
has appetite to eat and stay active.
This morning, he woke up as usual...then I started to hear him cough with lot of phelgm.
Oh gosh.....Cough bug is attacking him. He did not cough often ,but then I can hear the
phelgm in his throat everytime when he cough.
Faster get him eat cough medicine and after sending him off to school, I rushed to Dr.Law's clinic to get a box of MUCOLATOR(medicine to clear phelgm)- it consist of 6 small packs and Ryan need to eat 2 packs per day. Most of the time, when Ryan was sick,...I will let him eat medicine that I have standby at home for at least 2 days, if show no recovery sign,only then I will bring him for a doctor. Sometimes, I even know what medicine the doctor is going to give...Oh...Mummy is a 'home doctor' too...that is because Ryan has been checked in to Dr.Law almost every month since he started his nursery class.
Hope after the home medication, Ryan will gets better...
Takecare everyone !!!
Ethan is having the flu now...:(
hope all at home get better soon ok? hugs..
My two girls has running nose at the moment. You are right, mommy is a home doctor.
Thanks Merryn for ur concern.
Hope Ethan will recover soon.
Sheoh Yan - Yes...I always act as a home doctor first...only wen this home doct can't cure,then will seek for real doctor medication.
Hope your two girls will recover soon..Tkcare.!
Oh same here!! Bryan has been falling since abt 4-5 times this year (and yes since he started school in Jan). I googled a bit and some moms have strongly recommended Kawai Drops. Will have to look for it this weekend at pharmacy, see if it can help strengthen their immune system.
get well soon ya...
My Ryan has the same problem. Since starting with day care, he is getting sick so very often. Last month alone, I had to sent him to his doctor three times ...We are also considering stopping him from attending day care for a while....When his body aches, our heart aches more ...
Hopefully he'll get well after taking the meds given by the "fake" dr and won't need to consult the dr at the clinic. :)
hope Ryan gets well soon....
And hope this will make him stronger. SHould be just a phase.
Try boiling Lohan Gou Leong sui for Ryan. It helps to get rid of the phlegm
It's the same every where, I guess. So it's no use changing school. At least it's only a minor cough, not fever.
Wishing Ryan a speedy recovery and stay healthy always! :)
Aiyor~! Same case here, my kids are also suffering with horrible cough, major problem is also the phlegmy thingy... sigh~! It's probably the viral season again!
Wish your boy gets well soon, a speedy recovery ya! Have a pleasant weekend!
Same like you, I also become a home doc b4 sending my kids to clinic ;). Hope he can recover faster. Yes kids are easily sick when going to nursery moreover if left for daycare.
Seems like everyone having some kind of bug.... you take care...
When there is a lot of phlegm that means the cough is going to get better....
Sigh...we are under attack too. Seems the cough bug just attacks and attacks all the time.
Hope Ryan gets well soon and everyone at home will not get it too.
It happened to our kids too..as soon as they started schooling.Flu, Hi fever and coughing seem to be continuous which make hubby and I so worried. After the second half the year..only then they can 'adapt' to the environment and I bet their immune system have improved.
When the pediatrician convinced us that there were nothing serious with our kids..we felt relieved. Some factors that affect their health were such as the air-conditioned room, their peers and adaptations to the new environment.
I hope Ryan will adjust to the new 'environment' and will pray for his health...*hug*
Thanks friends for all the concern..Ryan is recovering now.
Get well soon. I think it is a normal thing that when children go to school, they tend to get these bugs from their classmates and the bugs get passed around.
r u feeling better already? all is well now?
Kids will usually fall ill very often once they start nursery/school. Look on the bright side, they are building up immunity...
I have heard so many comment that kids will easily fall sick once they start schooling, seems like it is true yeah.
Poor Ryan. I hope he is ok by now.
Sigh...just sound so familiar..3 times this year, not too bad la...Darren..i even lost count how many times he kena cough...
About the medicine, I combined mucolator together with "ventolin". Supposed to help.
Anyway, Darren is having cough again and I'm trying chinese medicine. Somehow I feel the western medicine does not cure cough.
Bugs nowadays are getting stronger. It takes longer to recover too..scary bugs...go away..
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